Is it Possible to Lose weight After IUD Removal?
On a global scale, nearly 159 million women use IUDs, as per a 2019 study. The popularity of IUDs owes to their efficiency in preventing pregnancy. Women utilize IUDs for preventing pregnancy, reducing menstrual bleeding, reducing the risk of endometrial cancer and pelvic infection, etc. IUD helps to postpone your pregnancy from five to ten years.
You can remove it when you want to become pregnant. Mirena is a popular brand that produces hormonal IUDs, which ensure contraception for up to eight years. We will discuss in detail IUD removal, its possible side effects, and the management of your body after the removal.

What is IUD?
IUD is a T-shaped device that is used as an effective contraceptive method to prevent pregnancy. It is inserted into your uterus and sits there to restrict sperm motility. There are two kinds of IUDs: copper IUDs and hormonal IUDs. Both are inserted inside your uterus in the same way, but their contraceptive approaches are different. There is also a slight variation in their effectiveness.
Copper IUDs do not release any hormones and use the properties of copper to prevent pregnancy. Hormonal IUDs release progestin hormone to thicken mucus in the cervix and reduce the lining of the uterus, thereby restricting sperm by fertilizing the egg.
How Does IUD Work?
A health professional will perform preliminary inspections to confirm whether you are suitable for the process. Then, IUD will be placed inside your uterus with caution. You have to do regular check-ups and follow their guidelines. The IUD releases hormones inside your uterus and prevents ovulation. It thickens the mucus in the cervix and restricts the entry of sperm.
Side Effects of IUD
Though IUDs relieve your cramps and PMS, they may have some side effects, which we need to be aware of:
- Irregular periods.
- Heavier or longer periods.
- Pain where IUD is placed.
- Dizzy feeling.
Removal of IUD
The IUD placed inside your uterus will be removed for the following reasons:
- It may be removed to replace the new IUD with the old one.
- You wish to get pregnant.
- You had severe side effects.
What are the Possible Side Effects of IUD Removal?
Similar to the side effects of IUD insertion, you may have certain side effects after its removal. The major side effects after IUD removal are nausea, severe mood changes, headaches, hair loss, insomnia, acne, breast pain, etc.
Your body requires time to adapt to the change that occurred. This is why you most likely have these side effects. But it is advisable to consult your health care provider for any adverse reactions in your body.
Weight loss or Weight Gain after IUD Removal
While copper IUDs do not bring many changes to your weight, hormonal IUDs may have an impact on your weight. After a hormonal IUD is removed, there may be a hormonal imbalance in your body. The effects of this imbalance differ from person to person. Some people have reported weight gain while some people have shared that they have gained weight.
For instance, people, who suffer from fatigue and appetite loss while IUD is in place, may gain weight after its removal by taking more food or gaining back the lost weight. In a similar sense, people, who felt drowsy and weary while IUD is located inside their uterus, may lose weight after its removal by utilizing the energy in any physical activities.
Some people reported that they could not lose weight despite following various weight-loss programs. Thus, weight change is commonly reported by people who removed IUDs.
Steps to Lose Weight After IUD Removal
The most common side effect people face is weight gain due to the removal of Minerva or any hormonal IUDs. The reason owes to the hormonal imbalance created as a result of the removal of IUDs. Your body has been accustomed to the progestin hormone released by Minerva. So, there arises discomfort and pain when your body can no longer contain progestin.
The hormone is a synthetic form of progesterone and is also known as levonorgestrel. A study reveals that nearly 5% of women, who used Minerva, gained weight after the removal of the contraceptive. We have suggested a few helpful ways to help you lose weight.
- You need to consult your healthcare provider to ensure that you don’t have any other medical condition that causes weight gain. This inspection is crucial because it helps you recover easily by undergoing the right treatment for your condition.
- After confirming with your health professional, you can safely engage in any physical programs. You have to plan your exercise schedule and do regular workouts that help you burn fat. Consistency is crucial in this process as it decides the success of your final outcome. Instead of tiring yourself in a day, plan your exercise suitably to keep you motivated.
- Even though you are regularly following exercise programs, your body requires sufficient nutrients to maintain your weight. Thus, you can add a healthy balanced diet to your day to secure your body from health hazards. There are different diet options available on the internet. You can seek the advice of your physician to find a suitable diet and start adopting it.
These steps may aid you in losing weight. But you have to keep in mind that removal of IUDs may take some menstrual cycles to fit into your lifestyle.
Bottom line
IUD insertion and removal are getting common at present. Women are undergoing IUDs for various reasons, including preventing pregnancy and reducing menstrual bleeding.
While they remove IUDs from their bodies, they have to pay close attention to their effects on their body. You can notice definite changes before and after the removal of Minera.
But you need to consult your doctor soon after noticing severe side effects like heavy bleeding, severe cramps, and fever. You can manage your weight by following certain procedures like consuming fiber-rich food, remaining hydrated, and regularly involving in exercise programs.
The ideal time would be the first few days of your period because your cervix would be ready for blood flow or when you have used another contraception just recently.
After the removal of the IUD, your body should not face any adverse side effects. But some people may have cramps and light bleeding. If you face any severe side effects, you have to immediately consult your doctor.
The common side effect of IUD is weight loss. But no IUD has been designed and marketed to promote weight loss. If you use an IUD that has a diuretic effect, you may lose weight.